Jacksonville Kids

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This playgroup is for all of the Jacksonville , Florida Moms in the Jax Beach , Atlantic Beach , Neptune Beach , Southside , Intercoastal West , and surrounding towns area! (Im sorry- we are not accepting applications for Orange Park and Manderin at this time)

This group is for all ladies in all walks of life...Working..Staying at home...Raising kids alone, or with a Whole group of people. We have a support system for everyone no matter your race, religion, or style of parenting. All we ask is that you have an open-mind and great communication skills to try and avoid as many misunderstandings as possible.

This group is just starting up, so help make it the best playgroup / Moms Club you have ever been in!! We will be offering Play dates at the Malls , Members Homes and Local Parks. Moms Nite Out and Couples Nights are also on our agenda! Coffee/Dessert Nights, Baby-Sitting Co-op , and chatting about our lives are also right here! There are events for almost every day of the week. Holiday parties , Family get-togethers , and Social Events are also offered. This will be a great way to Network around town!

We are here for you in times of joy and in times of sorrow. Let this playgroup help you in your everyday trials of being a parent . If you are an open-minded person who likes having a secure line of friends for yourself and your little ones, please join us!

Hot Topics such as politics and religion are off limits, but we have better things to talk about! :)

***This is an ACTIVE group, please be sure you understand that participation is required! Our goal is to make this a close-knit second family for you and yours!***

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Pages created by us and Links concerning our neighborhood and local area.


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Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales

Attention: Beachwood Subdivision - Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales Saturday October 17, 8:00am - whenever! From Beach Blvd near FSCJ campus, turn at Dunkin' donuts. (Rain date Sat Oct 24, 8am)   more
Started: October 14th 2020Replies: 0

Guardian ad Litem program needs volunteers!

Hi Neghbors!  The Guardian ad Litem program is a volunteer based State Agency and non-profit program.  Volunteers advocate for the Best Interest of children in court.  They are the one... more
Started: June 16th 2020Replies: 0

Coxswains Needed - Jacksonville Rowing Club

Do you know someone who rowed competitively in College or High School and would like to get back into it?    The Jacksonville Rowing Club www.jaxrow.org is looking for Coxswains who can be... more
Started: June 6th 2019Replies: 0
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Resource Guide
Red River Flooding
Schwert_el_zagal_1989thumbRed River Flooding typically occurs between the months of March, April and May.
Medicare Supplement Changes for 2010
GalssmTwo new options have been added to Medicare Supplement plans while four have been eliminated. Offerings of some current plans h
FHA Streamline Refinance FAQ
HousequestionsmThis faq answers your questions on the FHA Streamline Refinance program. Requirements to qualify and how to find a lender.
What is El Niņo?
ElninothumbEl Niņo refers to the irregular warming in the sea surface temperatures

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