Jax-Park Playgroup

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This group is for SAHM's and their children in and around the Jacksonville - Orange Park area to get together for Outings, Playdates, Support, Friendships and Fun! Working Moms are welcome too :) Membership is limited to Jacksonville and Orange Park residents only.

Pages & Links

Pages created by us and Links concerning our neighborhood and local area.


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Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales

Attention: Beachwood Subdivision - Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales Saturday October 17, 8:00am - whenever! From Beach Blvd near FSCJ campus, turn at Dunkin' donuts. (Rain date Sat Oct 24, 8am)   more
Started: October 14th 2020Replies: 0

Guardian ad Litem program needs volunteers!

Hi Neghbors!  The Guardian ad Litem program is a volunteer based State Agency and non-profit program.  Volunteers advocate for the Best Interest of children in court.  They are the one... more
Started: June 16th 2020Replies: 0

Coxswains Needed - Jacksonville Rowing Club

Do you know someone who rowed competitively in College or High School and would like to get back into it?    The Jacksonville Rowing Club www.jaxrow.org is looking for Coxswains who can be... more
Started: June 6th 2019Replies: 0
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Resource Guide
The National Do Not Call Registry List
DonotcallthumbTelephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently.
Choosing a Credit Card
Cc4thumbWhile some cards have no annual fee, others expect you to pay an amount each year for being a cardholder.
HOA or Homeowner Association - What is an HOA?
HoasmHOAs or Homeowner Associations are legal entities that govern a community and help to maintain and manage common areas.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
MoleculesheadthumbPeople with OCD may be plagued by persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images, or by the urgent need to engage in certain rituals.

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