Jere Baxter Heights is a Neighborhood Group located in the Inglewood section of East Nashville. Listed with the Mayors Office of Neighborhoods. As always, any and all of our neighbors are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. Location of meetings may change. Write to us at P.O.Box 160062 Nashville, TN 37216 for details. E-mail-
We love new members. Come out and get involved. This group has been active for 13years. We would like to have your input on how to improve our neighborhood.
These are the streets that comprise The Jere Baxter Heights Neighborhood Watch Group area: Gwynn, Maplewood, Patapsco, McMahan, Burrus, Glynda, Matthews, Virginia, Curdwood, McIver, Horseshoe, Baxter, Hilltop Ave./Lane, Oak, Gillock.