John Glenn NWA #2

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Targeting Wildland Fires

The Fire Department is anticipating another dangerous year for wildfires as a result of the predicted weather patterns. “The Fire Department is anticipating another dangerous year for wildfires... more
Started: April 9th 2012Replies: 0

The 4 R's Of Graffiti

READ - Try to read what is written or drawn in the graffiti to help ID The Groups that are tagging in your area Report- Contact law enforcement and make a police report Record- Take photos of Graffiti... more
Started: April 6th 2012Replies: 0

New Domain Name

Deer Creek Crossing HOA now has it's own domain name. You can still access our website thru link or you can go directly to the site at ''''. more
Started: July 23rd 2006Replies: 1

John Glenn NWA #2 Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Streamline Refinance FAQ
Housequestionsm This FAQ will answer your questions about the FHA Streamline Refinance program which was created by the FHA to make it quick and easy to refinance your existing FHA loan. What is the FHA Streamline Refinance...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgage

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Set Goals For Your HOA!
Goalsm With the New Year comes new opportunities and areas for improvement. Just as we make personal resolutions, now is the time to set goals for your homeowners association. It’s the start of a new year....
HOA duties: When to delegate, when not to
Name Learn which duties your HOA board members should perform themselves, and which they can task others to complete. The board of a homeowners association (HOA) has many duties assigned to it through the...
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