JUST SOLUTIONS exists to promote nonviolent ways of dealing with conflict, managing change and building community.
WELCOME TO JUST SOLUTIONS?—the only full service mediation training and services center in the metropolitan Louisville, Kentucky area. Just Solutions, Mediation Services of the Council on Peacemaking, provides facilitation, conflict management and mediation training, and case mediation for disputes in the following areas: family, business, employee relations, healthcare, housing, organizations and community. Our mediators represent a variety of work experiences?—law, business, counseling, human resource management, the public sector, social work, education and psychotherapy.
Chestnut Centre
410 West Chestnut Street
Suite 628
Louisville, KY 40202
phone: (502) 581-1961
fax: (502) 581-9832
e-mail: justsolutn@aol.com
THE COUNCIL ON PEACEMAKING WAS FOUNDED IN 1980 by a group of interfaith clergy who dedicated themselves to providing peaceful alternatives to conflicts on a local, national and global level. Council members have actively addressed human needs and human rights, the arms race, and international conflict while working to educate the community about these issues. The program grew to include mediation in 1991, and eviction prevention in 1993.
IN JUNE 1996, THE BOARD OF THE COUNCIL MADE THE DECISION TO FOCUS PRIMARILY ON MEDIATION and conflict management training and services. This work is carried on through Just Solutions. The Council (d/b/a Just Solutions) is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit agency funded solely by donations from the community and is not affiliated with or supported by any national or local organizations.