Kelly Creek Neighbors

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Mentor immigrant youth!

There is a growing population of refugee and immigrant youth in our communities and the best way to help them culturally assimilate into our community in a productive way is by being a mentor. This... more
Started: February 11th 2008Replies: 0


Please take a minute to introduce yourself. I am the secretary for the PNA and would like to see if anyone else is interested in using this web site as a tool for neighborhood discussions. more
Started: May 7th 2007Replies: 2

Become a Tree Scout or Harvest Leader with...

Volunteer Opportunities: Become a Harvest Leader or Tree Scout with Portland Fruit Tree Project! Harvest season is right around the corner. Join Portland Fruit Tree Project in preventing waste,... more
Started: May 5th 2014Replies: 0

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5 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Association Manager
Fired Terminating your contract with your association management company should not be done for light or transient reasons. But when an association management firm, for whatever reason, engages in a sustained series ...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Get Out Of Debt!
Debtreliefsm Six steps to help you eliminate debt for good. Impulse buys. Emergency car repairs. Unexpected medical bills. There are many reasons we fall into debt. Once you’re in that hole, it can seem nearly...
Creating Harmony In Your Community
Harmonythumb From Condominium to Gated Community, the common thread is people. A diverse village is created within each association. Finding ways to educate and encourage members, and at the same time protect and preserve...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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