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Kiwanis International is chartered in over 80 countries around the world as a service organization. There are three Kiwanis clubs in Fort Collins. The Eyeopeners meet at 6:45 AM on Tuesdays at the University Park Holiday Inn. The Noon Club meets in the same place, also on Tuesdays, at noon. The Poudre Golden K meets on the same day, at 9 AM in the Senior Center of Fort Collins. All meetings are scheduled for one hour. COME VISIT US!
The KiwanisPoudreGolden K meets every Tuesday at 9 AM at the Senior Center of Fort Collins. This is a group of over 100 men who, for the most part, are retired and are dedicated to serving the children and the community of Fort Collins. ''With us, Children are Priopity One!''
Call the Secretary, Jim Willging, at 221-4092