I have brought this up once before, and still have seen little done!!!!!! The association wants all the homes owners current on there dues, maintain there yard, follow all the rules set forth. However our out side fenceline is looking like crap. I know your going to say that its the home owners responsibilty to maintain the fence but what if each home owner decided to stain there fence with there choice of stain then what we have is a mess, The outside fence line should be maintain by the neighborhood assoc, so that it is uniformed and maintained properly. yet you look at the fenceline along kriewald its in bad shape. we pay dues to take care of our neighborhood. where is all the money going, i am sure it cannot be all going to lawn service or tag removal. I do have some experience in being on the board and i also know the nighborhood where i came from it was the board that maintained the fenceline. something needs to be done. if sivage homes still have control over the assoc. then they are still responsible for the fence untill the neighborhood is turned over to the assoc completely. please explain this to me!!!!!!!