La Casa Villa West HOA

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ABC Block Club Suggestions

Please use this forum to discuss any suggestions or issues you feel our block club should address. more
Started: October 28th 2007Replies: 5

New Neighbors

Please use this forum to inform us of new residents in our community. Also, new residents, please tell us about yourself. more
Started: October 28th 2007Replies: 0


Please use this forum to tell your neighbors about any good deals being offered by our local merchants. more
Started: October 28th 2007Replies: 0

La Casa Villa West HOA Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Refinance Loan Options and Guidelines
Fharefism There are two possible scenarios when considering an FHA refinance. Both of these scenarios are based on what kind of current loan you are trying to refinance. FHA Refinance First Step The first step in...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Energy Efficient FHA Mortgages
Dollarhouse_t In 1992 Congress mandated a pilot demonstration of energy-efficient mortgages (EEMs) in five States. In 1995 the pilot was expanded as a national program. FHA insured 27,150 EEMs in FY2001, 30,331 in FY2002...
Directors, Officers and Conflicts of Interest
Conflictinterest1_th It is important for boards of directors to be aware that both real and apparent conflicts of interest or dualities of interest sometime occur in the course of conducting the business affairs of the...
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