Lake Stevens Woods Homeowners Association

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Welcome to Lake Stevens Woods

Welcome to Lake Stevens Woods, a small but beautiful neighborhood located on the Catherine Creek watershed.  The HOA  was formed in 2002 and consists of 84 properties designed around 8 Natural Growth Preservation Areas.


Lake Stevens Woods is a  family friendly neigborhood located in the northeastern corner of Lake Stevens.  Outdoor activities and recreation abound year round on both the lake and the nearby Centennial Trail and Lake Stevens Woods is conveniently located within walking distance of both.

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Dogs Barking All NIGHT!!!

I live in Arlington ,wa by the Bryant lake on 5 acres and we have some neibhors that have their dogs out barking all night,i wish they would take control of them and bring them inside.I am just about... more
Started: August 9th 2015Replies: 0

Highway 'Welcome' Sign for Oso WA?

Should we have a sign on State Route 530 saying, "Welcome to Oso"? more
Started: June 13th 2009Replies: 3


Hi from Ernie (?“Dog?”) Fortney and Clydea Cook, the new owners of the Oso General Store. We have lived in Oso, on the ?“Stilly?” for two years. Ernie coming from Lake Stevens,... more
Started: June 19th 2009Replies: 3

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Should You Hire An HOA Management Firm?
Questionshowsm Questions your board should ask before choosing whether to hire a professional HOA manager, or to self-manage. Whether or not to hire a professional manager is a question nearly all homeowner associations...
Should You Hire An HOA Management Firm?
Questionshowsm Questions your board should ask before choosing whether to hire a professional HOA manager, or to self-manage. Whether or not to hire a professional manager is a question nearly all homeowner associations...
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