Leishear Village Comm. Assn.

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Possibility of Relocating

Hello and good afternoon to you all. I am looking into the area of Laurel MD for possible relocation.  I am not really finding the information I am searching for.  I want to know what... more
Started: April 12th 2009Replies: 1

Trash Pickup

Please remember: Stephanie Lancaster has arranged for a ''bulk pickup'' this Wed, May 19th 2004. If U have bulk items, please place them near Stephanie's dryer and this way you can share the cost of... more
Started: May 17th 2004Replies: 0

Vendor Applications

VENDOR POSITIONS = WAIT LIST ONLY AFTER 2/15/21   If you missed the 2/15/21 new vendor deadline you can still be added to our waiting list.  We will access this list if anymore positions... more
Started: February 25th 2021Replies: 0

Leishear Village Comm. Assn. Real Estate and Home Values

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Staging Your Home For Sale: Top Five Tips
Stagingsm Staging your home can improve your sale price and get your home off the market quickly. Learn the top five things to do when staging your home for sale. Home staging is becoming more popular as buyers become ...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Staging Your Home For Sale: Top Five Tips
Stagingsm Staging your home can improve your sale price and get your home off the market quickly. Learn the top five things to do when staging your home for sale. Home staging is becoming more popular as buyers become ...
What is a Personal Reimbursement Assessment?
Bill As the mail comes, you sort through the envelopes and packages like you always do. Then you see one letter in particular, from your HOA. After opening it, you find an unpleasant financial statement page...
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