Lewis Avenue Neighbors

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Who is 1700 Lewis HOA????

Anyone know who the homeowner association is for 1700 Lewis in Long Beach?   I have to advise the new buyer whom it is and can't seem to find it.   Thanks, Naomi more
Started: November 2nd 2010Replies: 0

HOA information?

Started: November 2nd 2010Replies: 0


This is a very convincing Sounding phone call! I have confirmed scam with Carson City Nevada Police that this call is being placed and is a Scan/fraud call. ~DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MONEY~ Caller will... more
Started: January 27th 2020Replies: 0

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What is a Reverse Mortgage?
Reversethumb Reverse mortgages are a way for seniors to get cash from their homes without having to sell them and move, or borrow against them and make monthly loan repayments. They are a great way for homeowners who are...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Pick The Medicare Part D Plan That's Right For You!
Medicaredsm Tips and considerations for picking the Medicare Part D plan that will meet your prescription drug insurance needs. If you qualify for Medicare, you’ll want to consider adding Medicare Part D to your...
Organization: The Key To Effective Management
Organize1_th Can you find that paper you're looking for with minimal effort, or does it take hours? Organization is key to minimizing the time it takes to perform any task. We all know that there are a...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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