Lions Gate HOA

Welcome to Lions Gate Schaumburg!

A highly desired Village of Schaumburg neighborhood that is close to route 53 & I-90, minutes from Woodfield Mall, and features some of the areas most beautiful Carriage homes and Single family homes backing to Fox Run Golf Course.

Local Area Information for Lions Gate HOA

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Photos Near Lions Gate HOA

Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners.

Lions Gate HOA Real Estate and Home Values

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203k FHA Loan FAQ
Disrepair2sm The FHA 203K program has been utilized as a primary tool in revitalizing run down properties and neighborhoods. This FAQ will answer many questions that a prospective buyer might have. What is the FHA 203K...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgage203K

Discussions in Schaumburg

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Where is Roseland Heights????

Where is Roseland Heights???? CHICAGO — where exactly do the borders of our neighborhood begin and end? If you are looking for an official decision on where each neighborhood exactly is, forget... more
Started: August 28th 2015Replies: 1

Blacks Still Have A Long Way To Go

  4:05 AM (5 hours ago)   to me             Convene a national commission on race and poverty BY JESSE JACKSONOctober 27, 2015   When the Founders wrote... more
Started: October 27th 2015Replies: 0

Tools of the White Power Structure.

Delmarie Cobb TBTNEWS COMMENTARY Nothing to Show For the Room Special Correspondent: Delmarie Cobb My mother used to say, “How can white folk lose when whites are for whites and blacks are for... more
Started: October 22nd 2015Replies: 0
Resource Guide
Tips for Dealing with Hoarders in your HOA
HoardThere are many misconceptions about hoarding some of which involve the victims mental well being.
How to Obtain a Zoning Permit
ZoningMake sure you know everything about zoning permits before you remodel.
What is the Zika Virus
Zika-virus-mosquitosEspecially if you live in a humid or sub-tropic area or have traveled to a similar climate recently, you may be at risk for infe
Trade Adjustment Assistance
ImporttookjobsthumbFor those laid off or hours reduced because their employer was adversely affected by increased imports from other countries.


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