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The Mohawk Raiders was founded by Sgt. James Moore Sr. He started into sports in 1946 with a football team called the Timber Wolves.
In 1948 Sgt. Moore was coaching basketball, boxing, and baseball. He also coached football with the Eastside Tigers. He was also the co-founder of the George Walker Football League.

Then in 1968 Sgt. Moore organized the Mohawk Raider Athletic Association. Sgt. Moore was dedicated to the youth and sports that he spent a lot of his time at the field. He often used his own monies for equipment when enough funds could not be raised.

Many outstanding high school and college players started their athletic and other careers under Sgt. Moore and the Mohawk Raiders. For example: Archie Griffin and Greg Bell former NFL players, the late Jack Gibbs former principal of East High School and Fort Hayes Career Center, Hal Williams Actor(227 and Private Benjamin), and many others doctors, lawyer, etc.

Sgt. Moore received special recognition for volunteering his time, talent, and funds to the youth of Columbus. His emphasis on academic excellence, physical fitness, good discipline, and citizenship has been beneficial to thousands of Columbus youth.

Sgt. Moore departed this life in 1995 and the Mohawk Raiders have missed and will continue to miss him, but we have put into practice what he taught us, and we KEEP HIS DREAM ALIVE, by contining to work with the youth in our community and the City of Columbus.

The program is now under new management, Greg Johnson, Cynthia Johnson, Jackie Davis,Ray Norman, and Yolonda Williams have taken the job seriouly. We are working hard at taking the Mohawk Raiders to a new and higher level. They plan on having a weekly study table, career day, and working beyond football with our youth and their families. We are going to continue on with the work that Sgt. Moore started and we hope to make him proud of a job well done.

Pictured: President Greg Johnson, Scretary Cythnia Johnson, Vice President Jackie Davis, and Athletic Director Ray Norman


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