Mall-Lagoon-Lake Neighbors

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SEGWAY use on trail

I live at 6000 West 35th St., Louis Park.   I am a daily trail user (3-Rivers Trail, Wooddale and West 36th St).   Twice this week I have been nearly run-over by groups of 18-20 SEGWAY... more
Started: June 2nd 2012Replies: 0

Sue Sanger is guest speaker at Kiwanis

Hi,   Sue Sanger, our city council representative will be guest speaker at our Kiwanis Club Meeting next Wednesday:   Day/ Date / Time:  Wednesday, June 6th, noon Place:  Citizens... more
Started: May 31st 2012Replies: 0

Stop Signs

From the newsletter: Update on Petitions Earlier this summer, several petitions were being circulated requesting that residents support the addition of two stop signs (on the corners of Zarthan Ave.... more
Started: November 22nd 2007Replies: 4

Mall-Lagoon-Lake Neighbors Real Estate and Home Values

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Do You Need an Attorney if You Are Buying or Selling a Home?
Peoplepaperwork120 Paying an attorney for a couple of visits before all of the paperwork is signed may be worth the expense. Before You Sign, Call an Attorney Buying or selling a home has become a streamlined process where...
Tags: HomeownerLawyer

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Creating A Disaster Supplies Kit
Areyouready_010_th A Disaster Supply Kit is a collection of basic items that members of a household may need in the event of a disaster. Kit Locations Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, prepare...
Condos, Townhomes, and Apartments - What's the Difference?
Townhome Occasionally, the terms condo and townhouse will be used interchangeably by prospective and unknowing homeowners, and therefore incorrectly. These properties are as different as an apartment and a free...
Tags: TownhomeCondoAssociation
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