Mansion Farm

Solar panels

Posted in: Mansion Farm
  • Stock
  • rmjabo
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Bear, DE
  • 68 Posts

After a discussion with RC Peoples, I was informed that Solar Panels are permitted and do not need approval.  They did note that while there are no restrictions, they would hope that anyone opting to go solar would pick roof panels rather than the big, clunky looking ground panels.


With that being said, a home inspection was just completed for our solar panel installation. We're going through a company named Sungevity out of California -- they have installers nationwide. We are leasing the panels so there is no upfront cost and we'll be saving a ton of money on our electric bill soon.

Once the panels are installed, feel free to stop by to see what they look like and ask any questions.

If you're interested in finding out more info, feel free to contact Kevin Greene at Sungevity. He can be reached at 510-496-8947 or If you use referral code 990465, you will get $500 off your system.

rmjabo - Unless you have something in writing that overrides the below deed restriction, Solar Panels are not permitted in Mansion Farm.  Please see Article L, General-Use Restrictions, Section 5, of the Declaration of Convenants and Restrictions document.


     Section 5.  Television and Radio Antennas, Satellite Dishes and Exterior Mechanical Devices, etc.  No television antennas, radio antennas, satellite dishes, television or radio receiving or transmitting devices, solar energy panels or any other exterior mechanical devices shall be installed, constructed, placed or maintained on any lot, except that the same may be installed, constructed, placed and/or maintained if it is confined within the interior of the dwelling unit; provided, however, that one satellite dish, no larger than twenty-four inches (24") in diameter and no taller than four feet (4') in height, may be erected or mounted on the rear of the dwelling or in the rear yard of the lot.  Exterior Christmas lights and/or ornaments shall be permitted, provided that such lights are removed no later than January 30th of any year.

While the deed restriction is correct, several years ago, De passed a law allowing solar panels, whih I believe negates the section 5 paragraph.

Delaware also allows boats in your driveways, swings and sheds in your yard, white vinly fencing etc. These are deed restrictions not laws that were established and given to all homeowners at time of purchase. Restrictions require changing by voters. If not I guess we can all do whatever we want as long as it is legal in the state of Delaware.

Bear, Delaware 19701