Mansion Farm

Solar Panels

Posted in: Mansion Farm
With all owners in good standing surveyed there was a sufficient 2/3+ vote in favor of roof mounted solar panels. There were not sufficient votes in favor of white vinyl fencing option for property perimeters. White vinyl is approved for surrounding pools only but, must comply with NCC codes.
  • Stock
  • rmjabo
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Bear, DE
  • 68 Posts
For those of you that are interested, there are people who currently have solar panels installed with electric bills of less than $25/month during the summer.  Mine runs a little higher due to our pool. 


If you are interested in at least getting information, and receiving a discount should you decide to install, call Kevin Green at Sungevity.  Mention referral code 990465 for your discount.


I forgot to include Kevin's number.  He can be reached at 510-496-8947.

Bear, Delaware 19701