Maple Hill

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Free ''Smart'' lightbulbs

Hey friends and neighbors, I have approximately 1 ''Smart'' lightbulb per house maybe 2. These long lasting more efficient bulbs only cost about 55 cents a month if left on only at night. These bulbs... more
Started: March 18th 2007Replies: 1

Priorities Feb. 2007

It's exciting to see the energy around the Piper estates folks come together. Fact-finding. Budgets. Comparisons with other HOA practices. I think it was inevitable that all 3 current Piper areas -... more
Started: February 18th 2007Replies: 5

Welcome to our new webpage!!

HI! I found Neighborhood link while researching our new management company: Curry Management. I hope this will be an easy, accessible way for us homeowners to stay in touch! more
Started: January 23rd 2007Replies: 1

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Avoiding Foreclosure Rescue Scams
Sadthumb Behind every new foreclosure is a desperate family willing to do anything to save their home. And as foreclosures continue to mount across the U.S., so do the number of con artists trying to take advantage of...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
What Is A Short Sale?
Graphthumb Short sales are on the rise as foreclosure rates continue to mount. Why? Because homeowners, who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments and have seen the value of their homes drop below the purchase...
How to Tame the Unruly Meeting
Tameunrulymeetingthumb Board members and managers alike can all recall meetings that left them with churning stomachs and scratching their heads afterwards, wondering how in the world things could have gotten so out of control. The...
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