As a new homeowner in McDowell Meadows subdivision, we want to introduce you to the McDowell Meadows Homeowners Association. Your neighbors established the association to help with our common interests and concerns such as upkeep of the entrances and maintaining the integrity of the neighborhood and much more.
We hold quarterly meetings at 6:45 pm at the Steele Creek AME Zion Church on Shopton Road just off Highway 49 South. All homeowners are encouraged to attend, look for the signs at the entrances of Yorkdale and Gretna Green during the weeks before the meeting.
The MMHOA was created to maintain and improve the quality of life for all residents of the neighborhood. The Association shall provide a unified voice representing the interests of MM in our community and before the City of Charlotte. Our hope is to bring together people of diverse backgrounds and interests in a spirit of fellowship and to nurture this diversity, for it is the root of our neighborhood’s personality.
McDowell Meadows is a diverse and engaging community that focuses on beauty, education, communication, family values, and is a great place to call home.