Metro Classic

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Our Neighborhood

Welcome to Metro Classic Neighborhood's website!  Smile

Our natural boundaries are Segerstrom ~ Bear ~ Alton ~ Raitt.  We are a recognized by the city council as a volunteer group of concerned, committed, and compassionate residents with a focus of preserving the quality of life in our neighborhood and enhancing the value of our homes.  

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Parking Permits in Metro Classic

  Based on neighborhood meeting discussions, there are continual issues with the following traffic problems: - high school drop off and pick up  traffic near Garry / Raitt / Artesia... more
Started: April 9th 2010Replies: 1

parking permits for our areas

Hi, i was wondering what you people think about parking permits? why I think they would be great because there are neighbors that dont really care about quality life stiyle and turn there garages into... more
Started: September 11th 2006Replies: 4


I don't know if anyone has noticed lately but the gang activity is up on Lehnhardt. I have never seen it this bad? By Dave more
Started: September 14th 2006Replies: 6

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Obama Mortgage Rescue Plan FAQ
Lifepreservermoneysm Loan modification and loan refinancing are two components that make up the Obama Foreclosure prevention plan. This FAQ will help you determine if qualify and what you need to do. Obama's Making Home...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Prevent Carbon Monoxide Exposure
Co2detectsm Learn the causes and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and the simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your family. Each year 20,000 Americans visit emergency rooms for exposure to carbon...
AAA Credit Ratings Explained
Wallstreet A credit rating is essentially somebody's opinion on the willingness and ability of a debtor to repay their debt. This begs the question - Who are the seemingly all powerful agencies that decide the...
Tags: FinancialDebtThriftyAssociation
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