MPSC Director Ed Potts
MPSC Community Relations Victoria Pardue-Edwards
Mid North Public Safety Committee (MPSC) mission is to ?“Provide clear leadership and well defined input for enhancing the quality of life for neighborhood communities within the city of Indianapolis and greater Indianapolis area by providing resources and services that; Promote and facilitate mutually beneficial city-wide partnerships in the development of Neighborhood Community Public Safety.
Serve as a tool for driving the delivery of shared and particular Neighborhood Community public safety agendas, and as a starting point from which to develop new ways of working across governmental departmental lines to ensure that Neighborhood Community established priorities are implemented.
Mid North Public Safety?’s Goals are;
1. Strengthen Neighborhood Communities
2. Support Families, Children, Elderly and young people
3. Reduce Crime through a problem focused crime prevention
4. Enhance overall Neighborhood Community Public Safety (NCPS)
5. Reduce Neighborhood Community negatives
To accomplish its mission and goals, MPSC aligns its time, talents, and resources by
1. Promoting and facilitating partnerships that effectively combat and reduce crime
2. Setting public safety standards, establishing public safety priorities, and shaping public policy toward continuous improvements as it relates to public safety, and
3. Serving as a portal into local government and police in order to maximize the synergy between private citizens and public authorities.
Mid North Public Safety serves its constituent neighborhoods and residents from the platform that the most basic civic responsibility is public safety and that the highest priority of government must be the safety and security of its citizens.
Through this and the daily campaign of its committed members and volunteers, MPSC serves the community by providing a voice in the public square.
*Serve as a resource for city wide partnerships
*Assist combined city,county and state government in undertaking crime prevention projects
*Maintain Neighborhood input databases, research and follow up on Neighborhood Community public safety agendas
*Assist neighborhood Community organizations to implement crime prevention projects and to access government agencies and support
MPSC consists of of a consortium of the following existing neighborhoods;
*Meridian Kessler
*Broad Ripple Village
*Butler Tarkington
*Butler Tarkington Neighbors Coalition
*Crown Hill
*Mapleton Fall Creek
*Watson McCord
*Forest Hills
*Meridian Street Foundation
*Meridian Park
*Keystone Monon
*CDD Crime Watch area
*Martin Luther King Service Center
*Kaleidoscope Youth Center