Mitchell Farm Neighborhood Association

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Share your thoughts on Treetop

Hi to all Treetop Village homeowners! If you have any thoughts or conerns regarding TreetopVillage homeowners association, this is your space to speak out. ...about the dues, the common areas. .... more
Started: March 12th 2006Replies: 1

We want the truth too!

It's come to my attention that local Asian newspapers cover topics pertaining to our community, that cannot be found in other Englih written community papers such as the Tribune. I think its important... more
Started: February 25th 2006Replies: 3

HDFC Co-op FRAUD affects US!

I have lived in the LES for about 7 years. I have been subletting an hdfc low-income co-op for $800. I recently found out that there are major restrictions on subletting and that profits are not to be... more
Started: April 23rd 2003Replies: 5

Mitchell Farm Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Staging Your Home For Sale: Top Five Tips
Stagingsm Staging your home can improve your sale price and get your home off the market quickly. Learn the top five things to do when staging your home for sale. Home staging is becoming more popular as buyers become ...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Affordable vacations: How to travel on the cheap
Dreamvacationsm Tips for how to save on everything from transportation to hotels to airfare. Tired of the “staycation?” Travel can be affordable, even for families. Here are some tips on how to create an...
Tags: CommunityTravelStaff Pick
Creating Harmony In Your Community
Harmonythumb From Condominium to Gated Community, the common thread is people. A diverse village is created within each association. Finding ways to educate and encourage members, and at the same time protect and preserve...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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