Dear Association Members:
If you want to be taken off of the Block Watch Email List please contact Kelly Digby to have your name removed. Otherwise you will be receiving Neighborhood Block Watch alerts and monthly emails from Our Monclova Neighborhood Block Watch.
The monthly emails is our way of keeping those of you who can't make our monthly meetings informed of what was discussed at our monthly meetings. Please do not let this be in lieu of attendance. We need everyone's involvement to make our Block Watch a success.
The meetings are VERY informative with great information.
Some of the up-coming topics are:
Home Land Security in your own backyard- this will discuss homeland security as it relates to us locally as Monclova Township Residents.
Future Plans for Monclova Township- A representative from the Township Planning Commission will be invited to come and tell us what plans they have for Monclova Township in the future, how it may impact us in Wrenwood and surrounding developments.
Gangs- Are they just a problem in our big cities?- Come and learn about gangs in our neighborhoods and towns in rural America, yes they do exist!!
We will have representatives come from the township to discuss construction and resurfacing of roads, future construction projects and many more topics of interest.
Our next meeting will be held at the Old Township Building on Monclova Road. From 6-7 pm
Anyone interested in becoming actively involved with assuring safely for your street and neighborhood please call me at 419-865-3807
You will be responsible for handing out fliers or informing your block of meetings, alerts or any special information about Block Watch activities.
June 30 th Meeting:
Last night we had several representatives from the Lucas County Sheriff office in attendance. We appreciate their participation .
Sergeant Bobby Leist provided us with information about a car theft ring that has been operating in Monclova, Springfield and surrounding areas.
The youngsters involved were six 14 and 15 year olds that would steal two cars at a time, then go on to steal other things in these stolen cars, "most anything they could get their hands on." Sergeant Leist told us. The cars were stolen, not for their parts or for resale but to commit other crimes. Sergeant Leist timed one of the boys breaking into a car at 28 seconds! That is how quick someone can break into your vehicle. One of the cars stolen belonged to a retired police officer that was parked in a driveway of a nearby home. No one is immune to crime. Crime will continue to rise in our area due to the growing number of affluent neighborhoods here. The ringleader of this car theft ring, told police that his mother worked out here at an nursing home and he noticed how expensive & nice the homes were here, he realized that this would be a good place to commit some lucrative thefts. These kids were all from South Toledo. Crime will continue to move in our direction from the City of Toledo. We need to be involved now to stem the flow!!!!
The Budget Inn on Reynolds Road has been targeted by the City of Toledo as a public nuisance. They are trying to have it forcibly closed due to a recent homicide committed there. This was the last straw for the City of Toledo. It has been the scene of countless drug deals, prostitution, homicides etc. You all may remember the home invasion that took place not too many months ago here in our neighborhood on Chestnut Ridge. Fortunately no one was home or injured. The criminals responsible for that break-in went on a crime spree in our general vicinity hitting homes on Albon and Maumee-Western as well. These men had been recently released from prison when they broke into the homes in our area and were arrested at the Budget Inn on Reynolds Road.
Last week a pick-up truck was spotted with only it's running lights on, it pulled into the home under construction on Azalea Circle, sounds of lumber being loaded were heard and reported to the Sheriff's Dept. We have no further information.
Please be vigilant in reporting suspicious activity to our local Law enforcement. With the new homes being constructed on Maple Lane we can count on having more thefts. Sergeant Leist Told us last night that with the cost of lumber increasing, thief's can net up to $1000 per pallet of wood. Pay attention to anyone that may look suspicious to you and report them. We have been assured by the Sheriff's office that they are not annoyed when home owners call with suspicious activity in our neighborhoods, in fact they encourage it!
Did You Know?
Added peace of mind while you are away:
The Sheriff's Dept will patrol your home daily while you are on vacation. All you need to do is notify them by calling 419-213-4941. They will ask you some specific questions about your property, who has a spare key, how many cars and make may be at your home and at what times. This helps them to assess if there is a strange car or activity at your home that is not authorized by you. It also is a deterrent to crime for the rest of the neighbors near your home.
Even if you have an active alarm system on your home, this is an excellent way to further protect your home.
We will be getting Block Watch Signage for the entrance of our development. Anyone actively participating in Neighborhood Block Watch can request a small plastic magnetic to be displayed in your home window warning thief's of your participation in the program.
A web site for our chapter of Block Watch is in process of being set-up , it will have great information on it stay- tuned for more information
Here is the cell phone number of Sergeant Bobby Leist- he told us to call him after 10:00 pm if we ever have any information we need to get to the Sheriff's Dept. 419-460-4539.
Next Block Watch Meeting is:
July 27th @ 6-7 pm
Kelly Digby