Monclova Township Neighborhood Blockwatch was started in March of 2004. Our meetings are held at the Old Monclova Township Hall from 6-7 pm.
We strive to make our meetings as painless as possible to attend, so we make a pledge to all our members for our meetings to last 1 hour, no longer.
The Monclova Township Neighborhood Watch had a meeting on April 27th. Lucas County Sheriff James Telb was our speaker for the evening. His topic was sex offenders in our area and the website available to us as Lucas County resident to track sex offenders.
For more information please go to
We are seeking representatives from Monclova Township to join our efforts in making our Blockwatch bigger and better.
We are particularly interested in representatives from Breckenridge, Valhalla, the Quarry, Homestead. If you are a resident of Monclova Township please consider attending our monthly meetings.
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Monclova Township Homepage
Monclova Land Use Plan
Community Calendar
Jedz Resolution
Lucas County Sheriff