Montvale HOA

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Snow Removal

Wouldn't normally post on the lis serve But this is not your normal snow! I have had people flagging me down in the street. So if you need to get plowed out for a reasonable rate. $1 per foot $50 min.... more
Started: January 25th 2016Replies: 0

Lost PUP

On May 11th, 2017 approximately around 8:30pm.  My sisters dog escape our backyard. My sister and her dog were visiting us. Mia (the pup) does not know the area. She is small black... more
Started: May 11th 2017Replies: 0


Anyone knows people that would help out in shoveling snow -- will be paid more
Started: January 21st 2016Replies: 0

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5 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Association Manager
Fired Terminating your contract with your association management company should not be done for light or transient reasons. But when an association management firm, for whatever reason, engages in a sustained series ...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Selling Your Home? Be Sure To Disclose...
Homesm By law you must disclose certain problems with your home when selling. If you are selling your home, be prepared to tell all about its defects, issues and past. Most states require the home seller to disclose ...
How Do You Communicate?
Howdoyoucommunicatethumb During our busy days and evenings, we try to fill the hours with as much as possible to sustain our business and personal lives. Our companies have provided us with tools to produce reports, statements,...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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