Monument Beach Civic Associates


Posted in: Millis
Thanks to Bill's excellent breakdown the problems with the towns excess spending is as plain as the nose on your face!

The employees of this town write their own paychecks and their relatives help them!!

There are 252 town meeting members -- ONLY SIXTEEN ARE TOTALLY INDEPENDENT MEMBERS--, all the rest have a vested interest in town government!

The Town Meeting has been CORRUPTED and is in need of being DISBANDED!!

It is unworkable, over the years they, the employees of the town from selectman to sewer employee, have figured out how to control all of the town by being elected to town meeting and being appointed or running for/to what ever office /committee they needed to control!

Case in point, the school committee chair is elected and is on town meeting!

She negotiates an budget busting school contract forcing a 2.5% override/exclusion, because of her liberal tax and spend politics, and gets to vote on it in town meeting, if the debate over budget gets too hot to handle, simply ''call the question'' to close the debate, what a way to corrupt a system !

This system is corrupted beyond repair, if an attempt to restrict town meeting to only non-employees, they will institute a law suit and force the issue!

Our only way out of this cesspool of corruption is a new form of government, town meeting as good as it is/was is now hopelessly corrupted!

This exclusion will no doubt pass but in truth it is a total scam, they don?’t need it,

Bill's take:
?“On the cable show called Conversation with the Candidates Tim Egan said he didn't think town employees voted on matters affecting them directly.

He said he thinks they ''recuse'' themselves. I've been at town meeting for the better part of ten years and have NEVER seen an employee sit a vote out.

In fact I have seen town employees on more than one occasion ''call the question'' thus ending debate on a budget matter.

Just last fall a BELD employee called the question after only three members had spoken to the school dept. budget.
Some difficult questions were being asked and that was stifled.

A few years back an official with the water and sewer department ended debate on a matter affecting his own department AFTER identifying himself as the department manager.

They don't just indulge their conflicts they rub it in your face.?”

By There are 252 town meeting membe
Proof Positive!

Bill put out an excellent report. His report should dispel any doubts as to whether or not our governing body can be unbiased. We need new blood in all areas of our government, but when a few brave souls come forward in hopes of changing the status quo they meet an uninformed electorate. I blame citizen apathy, in part, for our current situation. You want change for the better you vote Clifford, Poulos, and write in Kimball (Sp.?) and O'Neil (Sp.?) because it doesn't matter which of the other three Selectmen candidates get in--it will be status quo. As much as I respect Joe Powers on many fronts, unfortunately he has strong ties to the School Committee; I fear his ability to remain unbiased. I do not trust nor respect Tim Egan due to direct discussions with him during the closing of fire stations and recently regarding the amount of the proposed override. I have absolutely no ties to the people I would like to see seated, they wouldn't know me if they bumped into me--they are, in my opinion, for this Town and All her citizens and they possess the fortitude to affect change. I ask you to consider giving them your vote of confidence on April 5th.

By money matters
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