Moody Hills Neighborhood Organization
In just two years (since August 2003), Moody Hills Neighborhood Organization has accomplished a great deal. We grouped our neighborhood of 584 single-family houses, 60 duplexes, and 1,600+ residences into 24 block areas, recruited flier and sign assistants, block captains, and flier distributors (including numerous youth)--between 55 and 60 volunteers--who maintain communications, a database, and prepare and hand-deliver over 600 newsletters each month. Through our youth registry, we have matched neighborhood youth with neighbors who need assistance with babysitting, leaf raking, yard work, garage sales, or gardening. With at least 50 neighbors interested in driveway replacement, we worked through a group bid process and have 12 new driveways thus far. Other projects include establishing an annual neighborhood garage sale, equipment loan program, an evolving group tree trimming bid, and a neighborhood picnic. In September 2004, we received a grant from the Heartland Area Neighborhood Development Symposium to develop a "Homeowner's Capital Improvement Workbook, Webpage, and Workshop" which we are now completing. Through survey responses, block captain door knocking, emails, calls, or meeting attendance, we have received input from more than 50% (at least 325)of our households. We are grateful for new acquaintenances and a growing sense of community.
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In just two years (since August 2003), Moody Hills Neighborhood Organization has accomplished a great deal. We grouped our neighborhood of 584 single-family houses, 60 duplexes, and 1,600+ residences into 24 block areas, recruited flier and sign assistants, block captains, and flier distributors (including numerous youth)--between 55 and 60 volunteers--who maintain communications, a database, and prepare and hand-deliver over 600 newsletters each month. Through our youth registry, we have matched neighborhood youth with neighbors who need assistance with babysitting, leaf raking, yard work, garage sales, or gardening. With at least 50 neighbors interested in driveway replacement, we worked through a group bid process and have 12 new driveways thus far. Other projects include establishing an annual neighborhood garage sale, equipment loan program, an evolving group tree trimming bid, and a neighborhood picnic. In September 2004, we received a grant from the Heartland Area Neighborhood Development Symposium to develop a "Homeowner's Capital Improvement Workbook, Webpage, and Workshop" which we are now completing. Through survey responses, block captain door knocking, emails, calls, or meeting attendance, we have received input from more than 50% (at least 325)of our households. We are grateful for new acquaintenances and a growing sense of community.