Morrisville First

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Smart Meter Opt Out Legislation

Basically, In 2008 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative body passed, and then-Governor Ed Rendell signed into Pennsylvania Law – PA HB2200, which became Act 129 of 2008. That... more
Started: July 16th 2015Replies: 1

sex offenses in yardley

I'm concerned about  an ex-friend of mine (a 17 year old who moved away mysteriously), who may have convicted a crime. I don't know if anyone will remember this, but he supposedly took advantage... more
Started: March 16th 2010Replies: 0


Started: July 24th 2006Replies: 1

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Funds for Handyman-Specials and Fixer-Uppers
Fixer_th The purchase of a house that needs repair is often a catch-22 situation, because the bank won't lend the money to buy the house until the repairs are complete, and the repairs can't be done until the house...
Tags: HomeownerFinancial

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Mortgage Fraud: How to Protect Yourself!
Sad Don’t become the victim of mortgage fraud. Learn about common mortgage scams and steps you can take to protect yourself. Mortgage fraud is on the rise. In 2009, the FBI investigated 67,190 mortgage...
How To Lend Money To A Family Member...
Handshakesm Lending money to family member can be tricky enough—the last thing you want is trouble with the IRS. Keep your relationship with your family and the IRS intact with these simple steps. With the economy...
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