NEWCNA - NE Walnut Creek Neighborhood Assn..

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About Us

NEWCNA - NE Walnut Creek Neighborhood Assn..


The objectives of the Association are to:
Represent and advance the interest of residents in the neighborhood

Keep all residents informed of issues vital to the neighborhood by appropriate communications and meetings

Establish standing and ad hoc committees to investigate and make recommendations to the Association on all matters of neighborhood concern.

Promote mutual protection and safety. Provide information to residents regarding available options open to them relating to the problems of home owership, zoning rights, etc.

Work towards development and preservation of natural green spaces, parks, trees, landscaping and general land use management.


The name of this association is the Northeast Walnut Creek Neighborhood
Association (NEWCNA), a non-profit organization formed according to the laws of
Texas, hereafter referred to as the Association.
ARTICLE II -- Purpose
The purpose of this Association shall be to protect the best interests of the
residents of the area hereinafter set forth; to promote and strive for the
improvement and the betterment of all public facilities and services within said
area; to promote and encourage a better community and civic spirit; to foster
goodwill and friendship between and among all the residents of said area; and to
cooperate with county and city officials and with other civic and public
organizations for the general welfare of the entire community.
ARTICLE III -- Boundaries
The area bounded by IH-35, Braker Lane, Dessau Road, and Walnut Creek shall
constitute that to be covered and encompassed by the activities of this
ARTICLE IV -- Objectives
The objectives of the Association are to:
Represent and advance the interests of residents in the neighborhood.
Keep all residents informed of issues vital to the neighborhood by
appropriate communications and meetings.
Establish standing and ad hoc committees to investigate and make
recommendations to the Association on all matters of the neighborhood
Promote mutual protection and safety. Provide information to residents
regarding available options open to them relating to the problems of home
ownership, zoning, rights, etc.
Work towards development and preservation of natural green spaces, parks,
trees, landscaping, and general land use management.
ARTICLE V -- Membership
Section 1 -- Eligibility
1. Membership in the Association shall be open to all residents who are 21 years
of age or older within the area described in Article III
Membership shall be issued on the basis of the household as a unit upon
payment of annual dues.
Section 2 -- Dues
Dues per household per year, shall be recommended by the executive committee and
approved by the body. Dues shall be payable at or before the second meeting of
each fiscal year.
Section 3 -- Honorary Membership
Honorary membership may be awarded to persons who have performed services, which
tend to further the purpose of the Association. The election of honorary
membership shall be by majority vote. Honorary members shall have not vote.
ARTICLE VI -- Voting
Section 1 -- Members of the Association present at any meeting shall be entitled
to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the membership.
Section 2 -- Business decisions shall be transacted by a simple majority vote of
members present and voting.
ARTICLE VII -- Officer Elections
Section 1 -- The officers of the Association shall be elected from the active
membership and shall be a president, three vice presidents (one each from the
subdivisions of North Oaks, North Oaks Hillside, and Four Seasons) a secretary,
and a treasurer.
Section 2 -- Officers shall serve in staggered terms to eliminate the
possibility of replacing all officers in one year. The President, Four Seasons
vice president, and secretary shall be elected on odd numbered years. North Oaks
and North Oaks Hillside vice presidents and treasurer shall be elected on even
numbered years.
Section 3 -- Officers shall be nominated and elected for 2-year terms at the
regular annual meeting in January. Elections shall be by written ballot or by a
show of hands. Officers-elected shall be installed immediately thereafter. The
president shall not serve more than two consecutive full terms. Other officers
may serve up to three consecutive full terms in the same office.
Section 4 -- For purposes of serving as a vice-president or otherwise being
represented there, residences outside the three existing sub-divisions will be
considered as part of the most adjacent of those sub-divisions. Only one
resident of a household may serve on the Executive Committee at one time.
Section 5 -- Nominations of the officers shall be the responsibility of the
nominating committee appointed by the president from the membership. Nominations
also may be made from the floor at the annual meeting in January.
Section 6 -- Removal from Office
Any officer may be removed from office for cause at any meeting, by a two-thirds
vote of the membership present and voting providing that notice has been
furnished to the membership at least two weeks prior to the said meeting.
Section 7 -- Replacement of Officers
When necessary, vacant offices may be filled by the Executive Committee, for the
unexpired portion of the term.
Section 8 -- Resignation of Officers
Elected Officers must give written notice to the executive committee before a
resignation can become effective.
ARTICLE VIII -- Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at all meeting of the Executive Committee and the
Association and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The president
may call and conduct conferences of officers of the Association, shall appoint
the members and chair of all standing committees, and shall perform such other
duties as are commonly performed by the chief executive officer of a voluntary
organization, or, as may be assigned to him/her by the Executive Committee.
During Association meetings the president shall refer to himself/herself as the
chair. The chair should call the meeting to order at the time appointed. The
chair cannot take part in debate; however, the chair may respond to factual
questions. The chair of an assembly does not vote unless his/her vote, cast as
he/she intends to cast it, would change the outcome.
The Vice-Presidents in their successive order, shall perform all the duties of
the president during the president's absence or disability, and shall succeed to
the office of president in the event of resignation or withdrawal of the
president for any reason. The vice-presidents shall also perform such other
duties as may be assigned to them by the Executive Committee. The executive
committee shall appoint the first, second, and third rankings of the vice
presidents voted to office.
The Secretary is in charge of minutes, correspondence, the roll of the members,
and similar matters. The secretary is to record the minutes and keep them in a
book, to maintain current accurate copies of all organizational documents
(including the bylaws, rules of order, and standing rules) to file reports
(noting their date of presentation and their disposition), to issue written
notices of the meetings and certain motions, to prepare the agenda for the
chair, to maintain a roster of membership, to provide signed copies of
organizational documents, to make the minutes and organizational documents
available to members at reasonable times and places, and to call roll when
required. Furthermore, the secretary should notify persons of their having been
chosen as a committee member, and is responsible for providing committees with
relevant information from the assembly, such as instructions. The secretary
shall be subject to the directions of the president, the Executive Committee,
and the Association.
The Treasurer shall collect dues, and by order of the Executive Committee
disburse all funds of the Association and keep regular and accurate records of
receipts and expenditures, which shall at all times be open to inspection by
members of the Executive Committee. The treasurer shall make frequent reports to
the Association of the amount of money on hand at a certain period, the sources
and amounts of income during the period, the purposes or payees and amounts of
disbursements during the period, and the balance on hand. Annually the
treasurer’s report shall be referred to an auditing committee appointed by the
president, which shall not include any member of the executive committee.
ARTICLE IX -- Standing Committees
The first person named on a committee is chairman, unless the committee, by a
majority of its members, elects another chairperson, which is competent to do
so. The secretary should furnish the chairperson with notice of the appointment
of the committee, giving names of the members, the matter referred to it, and
instructions as the assembly has assigned.
Section 1 -- Communications
The chair shall be responsible for communication within the Association and
shall give notice of all regular meetings to the area residents. This notice
shall take the form of a newsletter. The committee is responsible for all
aspects of the newsletter and/or web page. The content of the newsletter shall
be pre-approved by the president and shall be consistent with the purposes of
the Association as set out in Article II, and shall be subject to the approval
of the Executive Committee.
Section 2 -- Beautification
The chair shall be responsible for planning neighborhood clean-ups and notifying
the Executive Committee of properties not meeting deed restrictions and
covenants. The committee will be responsible for judging "Yard of the Month" and
"Christmas Lights" as well as any other decoration contests the committee
recommends. The pursuit of the committee shall be in line with Article II, and
subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 3 -- Social
The chair shall be responsible for planning neighborhood gatherings to promote
awareness and camaraderie within the association. Planned activities shall
include, but are not limited to, an annual Easter egg hunt, summer picnic,
December holiday party, and provide information regarding neighborhood watch
groups. The pursuit of the committee shall be in line with Article II, and
subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 4 -- Delegate to the Austin Neighborhoods Council
The Delegate shall represent NEWCNA at all meetings of the Austin Neighborhoods
Council (ANC) and shall be responsible for all communications between the
Association and the ANC. A first and second alternate shall be appointed each
year by the Executive Committee to serve in case of the ANC’s delegate’s
absence. The pursuit of the delegate shall be in line with Article II.
Section 5 -- Historian
The historian committee shall act as the official repository of the
Association’s archival records of the association through the years.
Section 6 -- Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed at the discretion of the
Executive Committee as needed. The Executive Committee shall give each ad hoc
committee a specific charge. The ad hoc committee chairman shall report to the
Executive Committee and the Association as deemed necessary.
ARTICLE X -- Executive Committee
The executive committee shall be comprised of elected officers and the chair of
each standing committee.
ARTICLE Xl -- Meetings and Organization
Section 1 -- Meetings of the general membership of the Association shall be held
quarterly in January, April, July, and October.
Section 2 -- The Executive Committee may call special meetings.
Section 3 -- The privilege of holding office, introducing motions, floor
debates, and voting shall be limited to members of the Association.
Section 4 -- The fiscal year of the Association shall run from January 1 through
December 31.
Section 5 -- The annual meeting for the election of officers of the Association
shall be held in January. A yearly statement of standing and affairs shall be
given at this time.
ARTICLE XIl -- Parliamentary Authority
The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the executive committee, and shall not
be part of the executive committee or retain voting rights beyond regular
membership. The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the
parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure. These rules may be
suspended at any meeting by a majority vote.
ARTICLE XIII -- Approval of Bylaws
Revisions to the by laws and a rationale of the revision may be submitted to the
Executive Committee by any member. In order to change the existing by-laws the
revision must pass by a two-third vote of the members present and voting present
at a meeting of the Association. The changes will be immediate unless otherwise
ARTICLE XIV -- Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the Northeast Walnut Creek Homeowners Association, no
member shall have any right, nor receive any assets of the Association. In the
event of dissolution, the Association’s assets, after payment of debts, will be
distributed to an organization which is tax exempt under the provisions of
Section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.



About our association



We are a neighborhood association made up of residents from North Oaks, North Oaks Hillside and Four Seasons subdivisions. We work together to try and unite the residents into a cohesive group to maintain and bring about a quality living environment for all residents.


We need you, as a resident of our neighborhood, to help in deciding the future of our community. All residents need to be heard. We need to generate a single voice whenever possible but, if not we want you to exercise the basic right of a representative democracy. We need to fill board member positions as they become vacant to insure the continuation of work begun by those leaving office. We need a precious commodity, your time, to help lighten the load. Just a couple of hours a month will help. The load is always lighter if there is more than one caring the burden. Think about giving some time for the good of YOUR community. Please let us know when you will be available to become a volunteer or a board member. Contact any of the executive committee members. The future of your family, your home, the block you live in, and our city and country depend on how much you and I are willing to become involved in local community affairs.

Participating in association - sponsored activities creases a cohesive group, a community of citizens and a secure society. Join the Northeast Walnut Creek Neighborhood Association now. Take part in the decision making process and become part of the solution. Let's all work to make our neighborhood a better place to live.


Association dues are $15 per year and membership is open to all who live or own property in the neighborhood. Dues should be sent to Richard Willis, Treasurer, 11305 April Drive, Austin, TX, 78753. For any additional information please contact any executive committee member.

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