NW Historical Perspectives and Events

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For the love of History...

We love history, especially the history of Oregon, Washington and the Pacific Northwest. At NW Historical Perspectives and Events, we are always discovering some new historical fact or person of note; and enjoy educating you and your family at one of our free lectures, events and historical tours.

NWHPE is into commemorations and historical celebrations, and we'd love to add a special note to your special program  or community event. Email us today at nwhistperspectives@gmail.com

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Pages created by us and Links concerning our neighborhood and local area.
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Become a Tree Scout or Harvest Leader with...

Volunteer Opportunities: Become a Harvest Leader or Tree Scout with Portland Fruit Tree Project! Harvest season is right around the corner. Join Portland Fruit Tree Project in preventing waste,... more
Started: May 5th 2014Replies: 0

Join or Lead a Tree Care Team in 2014 with...

Join the Portland Fruit Tree Project in increasing access to healthy food and strengthening communities by empowering neighbors to share in the care of urban fruit trees.   As a Tree Care Team... more
Started: December 13th 2013Replies: 0

McKenzie Lofts Lawsuit

I am considering buying a unit at the McKenzie Lofts. Does anyone know details about either the extent of the repairs needed on the roof, the state of the lawsuit, a schedule on the repairs?? Thanks!... more
Started: February 5th 2004Replies: 2
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Resource Guide
Loans for HOAs and Condo Associations
MoneyTalks about how HOAs and Condo Associations have begun using loans as an alternative to large assessments.
Florida Relocation and Moving Guide
FloridasmA guide to help you get through the process of relocating or moving to Florida
Your HOA and the Fair Labor Standards Act
DolIf your homeowners association has employees, even independent contractors, then it may need to comply with FLSA regulations.
Rocky Mountain National Park
MummymountainthumbLiving showcase of the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains

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