Northwest Citizens Association

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Constuction of new cul-de-sacs

There is a new cul-de-sac being built on Park, between Red Coach and Stange. I would like to verify the time that crews can start working in the morning. Also if there is specific limit into which the... more
Started: November 10th 2006Replies: 0


Are you all tired of the loud boom boxes, and the crime in are neighborhood? Well i am. no one is doing anything about it. I haven't had a chance to relax in my own home sence i moved in this hell... more
Started: September 6th 2007Replies: 17

Loud Neighbors

I'm having trouble with tenants living next to me on Lorilyn Avenue. There is constant music and construction. The bass is so loud that sometimes my pictures are vibrated off the wall. What should I... more
Started: November 15th 2007Replies: 2

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How To Challenge Your Property Assessment
Moneyhousesm If your home value is dropping but your property taxes are not, you can appeal the assessed value of your home which may help lower your taxes. Property values are down, so why doesn’t your property tax ...

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Buying A Gift Card? Here's What You Need To Know
Giftsm Over 77 percent of shoppers will buy at least one gift card this holiday season. If you’re one of them, be sure you understand exactly what it is you’re buying. For those hard-to-shop-for people...
How Your Association Can Go Green
Goinggreenthumb It seems as if every time we turn on the TV or radio, or open our newspaper or a magazine, there are stories encouraging us to "go green". Al Gore has warned us about global warming and most of us think we...
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