Newport Landing

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Rumble in Brentwood Park???

Yesterday afternoon 3 Costa Mesa Police patrol cars were seen detaining approximately 14 teen-age boys in Brentwood Park. I'd like to know why they were detained and if the neighborhood should be... more
Started: April 28th 2006Replies: 1

Free TV

I have a 19'' tv w/ remote in great condition. Who wants it? more
Started: March 24th 2006Replies: 0

Bunko Party

Monthly Tuesday Night Bunko was held last night at my house. Thanks to everybody that came and played. We had 2 tables of 4 players each. Lots of food and wine left over that needs to be consumed. more
Started: March 22nd 2006Replies: 0

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Features of Reverse Mortgage Loans
Housequestionthumb A reverse mortgage is special type of loan for senior homeowners that use a home's equity as collateral and you do not have to repay the loan as long as this home remains your principal residence. Because a...
Tags: MortgageHomeownerThriftyFinancial

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Should You Buy A Tankless Water Heater?
Tnklesswatersm Tankless water heaters can provide energy and cost savings. Find out if one is right for your home. Tankless water heaters, also known as “on-demand” heaters, are an eco-friendly alternative to...
Neighborhood Assoc Websites Increase Participation
Picketfencesm Communication and participation are two of the biggest challenges in building a strong neighborhood association. An effective website can facilitate these two things and do a whole lot more! Leverage the...
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