Northside Hill Neighborhood

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I have friends in the Concordia, ColdSpring, Merrill Park Neighborhooda. I was told they are having a really bad summer as opposed to our pretty quiet one: At 27th & Kilbourn a shoot-out a traffic... more
Started: August 12th 2005Replies: 2

Community Rummage sale

I would like to organize a community rummage sell for the end of this month. I think we could all have a greater turn out if we work together and make an event of it. The end of the month would be... more
Started: May 7th 2007Replies: 2

Speed Bumps

I definitely would not appreciate speed bumps in this neighborhood because we don't have sidewalks and I have already falled a few times walking on the 'uneven' streets in our neighborhood. ... more
Started: August 25th 2014Replies: 0

Northside Hill Neighborhood Real Estate and Home Values

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Staging Your Home For Sale: Room By Room
Homesalesm Learn how to stage each room of your home to show off its best features and create an environment where buyers can see themselves at home. Staging your home for sale is especially important in a buyer’s ...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Migraine Headaches
Migrainethumb The pain of a migraine headache is often described as an intense pulsing or throbbing pain in one area of the head. It is often accompanied by extreme sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting....
Tags: HomeownerStaff PickSafetyMedical
How Do You Communicate?
Howdoyoucommunicatethumb During our busy days and evenings, we try to fill the hours with as much as possible to sustain our business and personal lives. Our companies have provided us with tools to produce reports, statements,...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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