Norwich Township Neighbors

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The Shepard School

We are excited to be reopening to The Shepard Community!   Below is a link of where students can be enrolled and jobs can be applied for:  more
Started: June 24th 2021Replies: 0

Grab & Go Meals for Westerville Kids

The Westerville City School District has arranged for children in our area to receive "Grab & Go" breakfast and lunch each weekday during this extended school closure. District buses and vans... more
Started: March 20th 2020Replies: 0

The Villas on the web

Let's get there soon. By Fred Flintstone more
Started: September 11th 2006Replies: 1

Norwich Township Neighbors Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Refinance Loan Options and Guidelines
Fharefism There are two possible scenarios when considering an FHA refinance. Both of these scenarios are based on what kind of current loan you are trying to refinance. FHA Refinance First Step The first step in...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Own a home in a community association? Use this tax break!
75311432_scaled_331x227 If you’re part of a homeowners association and are selling your home, take advantage of this often overlooked benefit. You probably know that when you sell your home, you can exclude from your taxable...
HOAs and the Fair Housing Act
Fair-housing-logo HOAs cannot discriminate against protected groups. Whether you’re on a homeowners association board, are a current homeowner, or are looking to buy into an association, you need to be aware of how the...
Tags: AssociationLegal
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