Oak Meadows Civic Club

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Our civic Club started in about the 1950's, which is when our neighborhood was built. The first Civic Club President was Lillian Boeker, she was also the Precinct Judge for our precinct 181. After her, a Mr. Ed Edwards became the President, then a Mr. Carl Brightwell, then onboard in 1994 came Rita Castro.As of January 2010 New President Michelle Miranda

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No Authority

Please notify the president, Michelle Miranda, that she has no authority to enter anyone's private property, she does not work for the city of Houston (verified by the Mayor's office) and she has no... more
Started: February 4th 2014Replies: 0


 Happy New Year to All!!  I am pleased to announce that we had a great year for 2010!  We were able to get the club active and had an oppurtunity to meet and greet all residence and... more
Started: January 19th 2011Replies: 1

Profit and Refusal of President of Oak Meadows

At our Civic Club meeting last night 9.22.10, again the officers of Oak Meadows Civic Club refused to run our organization by the by-laws.  First the meeting started out with inaccurate minutes... more
Started: September 22nd 2010Replies: 0

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Obama Mortgage Rescue Plan FAQ
Lifepreservermoneysm Loan modification and loan refinancing are two components that make up the Obama Foreclosure prevention plan. This FAQ will help you determine if qualify and what you need to do. Obama's Making Home...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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How to Run A Background Check
Backchecksm Information can be found online for free, or for a small cost, when running a background check. Whether you’re hiring an accountant for your business or a nanny for your child, you may at some point...
Creating Association Committees
Committee1_th The existence of volunteer committees to support a community association's board of directors can be essential to the success of a productive board and may also serve as the training ground for new and future...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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