How many people do you know on your block? On your street? How about in your neighborhood? Criminals thrive on silence and when we, as neighbors, don't communicate, we're only hurting ourselves.
Oak Ridge Neighborhood Association was founded in 2001 with the help of Alderman Tumulty, Pastor Janet Eggleston and others. We're looking forward to many more years of community service.
Come join us the 4th Tuesday of the month 7 P.M.
at Elliott Avenue Baptist Church (501 W. Elliott Ave) Enter through lower back door in back parking lot. We've got guest speakers and each week you'll have an opportunity to express any concerns you may have about your community. Common, we're waiting just for you!
Oak Ridge Neighborhood Association
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q - What is ORNA?
A - ORNA stands for "Oak Ridge Neighborhood Association." The purpose of this association is to unite residents with local businesses and agencies, so all are empowered to work together to protect, improve and renew our community.
Q - What are the Oak Ridge Neighborhood Boundaries?
A - North: Oak Ridge
South: Madison
East: 2nd Street
West: MacArthur
Q - How much are membership dues?
A - Dues are $12 per household.
Q - When are meetings held?
A - Meetings are the Fourth Tuesday of every month, unless that falls on a holiday in which case it's moved to the third Tuesday.
Q - Where are meetings held?
A - Meetings are held at Elliott Avenue Baptist Church(501 W. Elliott Ave)at 7 p.m. Enter through the lower back doors of the church.
Q - Who can be a member of ORNA?
A - Anyone living within ORNA's boundaries can be a member of the assocition. It does not matter if you own or rent.