OAKS OF MONTECITO NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING MINUTESApril 17, 2007The Oaks of Montecito Neighborhood Association (OMNA) general meeting was called to order by President John Miller at 7:08 p.m., in the home of Jim & Kathryn Neiswender, at 7305 Mira Vista. Minutes from general meeting held October 24, 2006- were summarized by President John Miller. Meeting was hosted by Ray and Susan Croft. There were nine people that helped trim trees and cut grass. Officers and committee chairs were elected. A bank account was opened at Northstar Bank. There was $2945. in the account. Sprinkler repair was approved for the entrance of Montecito, North Texas Lush Lawn and Sprinkler, Inc. is doing the work for free. Minutes from Board Meeting March 8, 2007-Also summarized by President John Miller. Treasurer reported $3095. in our account. Power and water have been turned on. Easter Egg hunt was approved for Saturday March 31 and the next board meeting was set for April 2, 2007.Minutes from Board Meeting April 2, 2007- Held at Kevin & Karen Rooney. Treasurer reported $3080. Checks were ordered and the cost was $14.plus. The April Utility bill was authorized to be paid and the right of way on Hickory Creek was scheduled to be mowed before the April 17th meeting. $300 was approved for payment.Report on Mowing- The right of way was mowed April10, 2007. The agreement was for mowing with a tractor only. This did not include weedeating or trimming. Report on Sprinkler- Lance with North Texas Lush Lawn and Sprinkler Inc. has started work on the entrance at Montecito. There is still a line under the road. The system has leaks that need to be repaired. Rain has hampered working on the system today.Report on Status of Hickory Creek Road Project- Project was funded in 2000 with a budget of 2.3million. .5million has been expensed to date. Since the project was funded the cost of widening the road has increased and inadequate funding is available. The project has been put on hold. Teasley will also be widened. This is a state highway.Report on Proposed Plan to beautify area around monuments at both entrances- Karen Rooney, head of beautification committee, has drawn up plans for all four monuments. Considerations for the designs are inexpensive, maintenance free, drought resistant and colorful. The cost for plants and a brick border is approximately $1300.00. This is planting the bare minimum of, crepe myrtle trees, lantana flowers and green shrubs (Indian hawthorn). This price does not include any labor costs. Phase one is the border.Treasurer's Report-We had at the beginning of April $3095. We ordered checks for $15 and paid the April utility bill of $51. The mowing from April 10th will be paid today for $295. Leaving us a balance of $2734.Presentation of Proposed Budget-Treasurer Fern Richey has drawn up a proposed budget, from April 1 - March 31, 2008, working with those expenses that we know will be incurred. Utilities, just for the electric/water meters for 11 months will be $396. Money budgeted for flyers are approximately $85.00. Six mowing @ 300 each is 1800.00 Bricks and mortar 478.00. Leaving funds available for plants, water, and additional mowing $271.00. Website Update-Can reach our website by going to neighborhoodlink.com. Suggestions to be included on website are phone numbers and email addresses of officers. Also suggested is who to make the check out to and where to send it.Other Reports from Officers and Committee Chairs-Hospitality chair Iti Nwiba noted that we do not know when people move into our area. Introducing herself, Pam Terronez, has recently moved in, is a realtor, and suggested that she would help Iti keep track of new homeowners here.Vice President Michael Messer brought up the park area," If we do something with the park area-What needs to be done? Suggestions were trash cans in the park. Another suggestion was a fountain to keep out mosquito larva. It was noted that that was probably a phase 5 on our agenda.Other Business-Kathryn has received a bid from Edwards Exotic Landscaping. His bid is for $2700.00 and he will mow twice a month or on as needed basis. This includes picking up trash, weedeating, and mowing all the right of way on Hickory Creek. Included in this bid, at no extra cost, is laying the brick edging for the flowerbeds, planting the plants and weeding the beds. We need to find out how much he wants up front and how much he needs per month. Suggestion was given to try him one time and compare. Consensus was to try Edwards Landscaping.Other items of Business suggested- is a community garage sale and more old fashion socializing, subdivision party, with an outdoor barbeque where everyone brings a side dish and something to grill.A suggestion was made that we make copies of Karen Rooneys' drawings on the before and after, to use to collect money needed to complete the flower beds by the monuments and to include more mowing for the year.Adjournment-The Meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. by President John MillerMinutes approved as corrected at Board Meeting on April 19, 2007