Oakwater Estates HOA

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Welcome to Oakwater Estates!

The Oakwater Estates Homeowners' Association was formed in 1986 to provide maintenance, preservation and architectural control of the residence lots and common areas within the tract of property, as well as to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents within the property.


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Wall/Fence Ideas

Does anyone out there have any kind of Ideas how we can improve our Wall/Fence more economically?? We really need everyone's Input!! more
Started: November 20th 2007Replies: 5

Pink Bunny Statue

From the one EVIL owner in Lake Como neighborhood,   WOW there is nothing like being ostracized and ridiculed in your neighborhood.  I will be contacting Orlando Weekly to run the full story... more
Started: June 13th 2015Replies: 1

A garbage bin

Some residents have the time to do madness and lunacies when they are home, but too ... more
Started: January 17th 2017Replies: 0

Oakwater Estates HOA Real Estate and Home Values

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Instant Home Value

Should you refinance your home mortgage?
Housequestionsm Learn about the mortgage refinance process, if you qualify to refinance your home loan, and whether or not refinancing might benefit you. The recession may be over, but most Americans wouldn’t know it....

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Retirement Planning: Investment Options
Moneytreesm This is the final of a four-part article series meant to help you start planning for retirement. This article provides information on the most common investment options for your retirement savings. Diversify...
A Day in the Life of a Community Manager
Dayinlife1_th Someone asked me a few years ago to describe a normal day in the life of a community manager and I had to laugh normality and community management seem such a contradiction in terms. Then I began to think of...
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