Olympia Civic Association Inc.

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Stray dog near Ashford Elementary

Cute mix--black/brown and white. text 603 969-0590 more
Started: December 21st 2018Replies: 0

Lost Dog

We have found a dog in the area. He is a pit bull & although that may strike fear in some .. he sits, shakes & lies down at command. He is obviously someone's lost pet. Please help us find him... more
Started: January 19th 2014Replies: 0

Scardale civic association

I think it is time to dismantle this civic association. They don't get the people that put trash out a day or two after heavy trash comes and it is the same people doing it month after month, mayb... more
Started: January 12th 2008Replies: 7

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Get Rid Of Old Debts: Know Your Rights!
Pastduesm By law, debt collectors cannot sue you to repay a time-barred debt. If you have old debt, there’s good news and there’s bad news. Bad news first: you still owe the money. Now for the good news:...
Tags: CommunityStaff PickDebt
When NOT To File A Homeowners Insurance Claim
Umbrella Sometimes it’s better to pay for damages to your home than to file a claim and risk increased premiums—or a canceled policy. Find out when you should not file a claim. You’re being tracked....
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