1. Reading and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – Completed via Internet Vote
2. Treasurer’s Report:
a. Financial reports and status of accounts
i. $10,068.60 in the Checking Account
ii. $5,029.81 in the Reserve Account.
b. Opening of New Account- OCHOA is considering ending their relationship with Compass Bank and moving both accounts to Lakewood Professional Bank by the date of the annual homeowners’ meeting.
c. Bi-annual internal financial review- set to be performed during December/January by the co-Presidents and the Treasurer.
d. The Board unanimously decided to set a policy of having the Treasurer back up the financial data files at the end of each month and then have that copy kept by another Board member at a different site.
e. Status of all homeowner accounts- one homeowner is 3 months delinquent, but plans to pay in full by the end of the year, per a conversation with the Treasurer
3. Sprinkler upkeep and installation of rain/freeze sensors- Sensors have been installed in accordance with new Dallas City codes. The system will be inspected semi-annually.
4. Signage for Post Boxes Indicating Property Address (J. Bozarth)- The Board unanimously decided to order mailbox plaques at an approximate cost of $40 each
1. Removal of Unknown Animal in Roof Spaces at 6210- The Board unanimously decided to investigate and remove a possible squirrel living in the attic space of the 6210 building. The removal will require that the current pest control company, Eco-Safe, place a trap near the base of the tree at 6210 where the squirrel is gaining access. Once the squirrel is caught and removed, the point of access into the building will be sealed. This will most likely involve the covering over of a small opening found to the side of a balcony roof and the installation of additional insulation in the utility closet found at the rear of 6210.
2. Planning for Annual Meeting
• Meeting Date: Monday, January 31, 2005
• Notice of Meeting: Must be given 10-20 days prior to meeting- letters and an e-mail will be sent out to all homeowners
• Elections: During odd numbered years, three directors are elected
• Proxies: Form must be reviewed and sent out via mail and e-mail
• Board Meeting ’05: Must be held within 10 days of election
In attendance were: Brian Cotanza, Anna Lisa Tookey, Mark Tookey, Janis Bozarth, Gailene Jaques, and Sandy Bembenek