Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 19, 2005
The Meeting of the Oram Court
Homeowners’ Association was called to order by President, Karyl Leonard at 7:15 pm. In attendance were the following:
Karyl Leonard President
Melissa McGarity Treasurer
Tonia Cox Alternate
Martha Puckett Homeowner, Unit 19
Laura Bridwell Homeowner, Unit 8
Janis Bozarth Homeowner, Unit 16
Jane & Michael TateHomeowners, Unit 17
Minutes of June meeting were not read in the absence of the Vice-President and temporary Secretary, Chris Vaca.
Financial Report: Treasurer, Melissa McGarity reported the following monies in each account:
$3,639.22 Operating Account
$25,236.45 Reserve Account (Money Market)
All homeowner dues current with the exception of Brian Costanza, Unit 7.
A lien was filed against absentee homeowner, Brian Costanza and his Oram Court property, Unit #7 in May, 2005. The amount of the lien filed was for May, 2004 – May, 2005 dues in the amount of $13,390.20 with $360.00 in late fees and accruing interest. He owes an additional $550.00 (dues) plus $150.00 (late fees) for the period June through October, 2005.
It was discussed that, although the lien is in place, the funds will only be recouped if the property is sold. Apparently there is no mortgage on the property and, therefore, no incentive to sell. We can wait until he sells the property or at some point litigation will have to be initiated. A judgment would mean that OCHOA could collect on his other assets to satisfy the judgment.
A motion was made, seconded and carried with a unanimous vote that this matter be deferred until the January meeting with regard to a vote to file a lawsuit against Brian Costanza.
Insurance Report: Vice-President, Chris Vaca, is going to give us a recap and then transfer those files over to Martha Puckett as her responsibility. The last information from Sandy was at the end of July and she said she needed to get insurance information from Brett Buck in Unit #4, Kevin and Tara Whortley in Unit #6 and Nina Humrichhouse in Unit #1. Chris Vaca will provide this information asap.
Introduction of new Secretary, Martha Puckett.
Roof Replacement: It was discussed that a roof normally has a life of 20-25 years and our roof, although not disintegrated at this point, is 22 years old and is in need of replacement because of the money being expended on repairs. It was further discussed that the purpose of building up funds in our Reserve/Money Market account is to pay for capital expenditures such as roof replacement and whatever other major repairs need to be done from time to time and maintain enough of a balance to take care of emergencies.
It was brought up that in 2002 a claim for hail damage was denied by the insurance company because of the age and condition of the roof prior to the hailstorm. It was also discussed that the cost of materials could possibly go up in the very near future and that the weather at this point is conducive. The two bids that have been obtained for roof replacement are as follows:
1. Jolly & Son for $21,948.00 with a 5-year warranty; and
2. Mario's for $16,500.00 with a 10-year warranty.
It was discussed that Mr. Jolly has previously done several spot repairs at the complex. Michael Tate in Unit #17 gave a good reference for Mario's and Karyl Leonard, President, commented that he was observant enough to notice that the air vents on the roof did not match. Michael was instrumental in getting the contractors for the carport project and they did a great job. A motion was made, seconded and all members present were in favor of not waiting until the January meeting to take a vote on this roof replacement issue and that the lower bid be taken. It was decided that an email will be sent to all homeowners for a vote on whether the roof replacement should be done at this time.
Significant Maintenance Issues: Other significant maintenance issues discussed are as follows:
1. Unit #2: Water in the backyard due to common water pipe problems. Cost to repair $350.00.
2. Unit #5: Soil erosion problems - the timber retaining the soil has caused a problem with cutting off the sprinkler in that area. The bid for repair thus far is $850.00. This would include removing the timbers currently in place and putting in a tile retaining wall. It was discussed that the Board will work to get another bid from our landscaping company.
3. Unit #19 and #20: Experienced some flooding due to a broken sprinkler head adjacent to Unit #20. The problem has been remedied at minimal expense with no damage to the units.
4. It was discussed that the next significant maintenance expenditure will probably be the repair or replacement of the privacy fences.
Master Satellite Dish Proposal/WiFi: Chris Vaca is working up a proposal illustrating the cost for a master satellite Dish and Chris and Tonia Cox will be looking into WiFi for high speed internet access. The possibility was discussed that the basic rate be included in the current HOA dues with premium service costs being paid by the resident. The proposal will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Vendor List: The Board will be creating a manual for all residents to include applicable information concerning the complex such as the Bylaws, HOA v. owner responsibilities and a list of suggested vendors to contact for repairs and/or estimates for repair to be presented to the Board for approval. Should you know of a vendor you would like to be included, please forward that information to Melissa McGarity.
Hot Tub Proposal: The hot tub proposal was withdrawn by Martha Puckett until after the more pressing issues of the significant repairs have been done.
Barking Dog Complaints: The issue of the noise nuisance of the barking dog at 6219 LaVista was discussed. A motion was proposed, seconded and the vote was unanimous that the Board President, Karyl Leonard, go in person to inform the dog's owner of the problem.
Social Events: It was discussed that there would be no Boo social event this year. It was further discussed that the purpose of the social events is to create a community. A secret Santa celebration and/or a Christmas dinner party for the complex was proposed. It was decided that an email would be sent to all residence for suggestions.
Open Discussion:
Issues discussed during the open discussion at the meeting were as follows:
1. It was discussed that the website on Neighborhood Link has not been updated recently. Martha Puckett will work on posting the current meeting minutes and bring the website up to date. Jane Tate offered her assistance in accomplishing this, if needed.
2. A recycling program was discussed. Melissa McGarity will investigate the cost and report at the next meeting.
3. Due to the close proximity of the new construction next door, a privacy structure was proposed. The Board will investigate the possibilities and costs associated with same and this will be discussed further at the next meeting.
4. It appears that there was enough signatures on the Petition for Speed Bumps on Oram. The Fire Department has approved the speed bumps, and we should receive a timetable for installation of the speed bumps within the next few weeks.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m.
Martha Puckett