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Committee to elect Robert Ayala

Robert Ayala Manistee Justice of the Peace Candidate Bob Ayala retired in March 2000 from the Maricopa County Sheriff?’s Office after devoting 30 years of protecting his fellow citizens. Two... more
Started: September 27th 2006Replies: 0

Extreme Heat of 2023 kills Moon Mountain Saguaros

Started: February 2nd 2024Replies: 1

Commercial Truck parking in front of my house

Good morning,  who do I call to have my neighbor's truck removed?  They have a huge commercial truck parked in front of my house. The tags are expired, they work on trucks and cars at their... more
Started: May 2nd 2022Replies: 1

Our Neighborhood Block Watch Real Estate and Home Values

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Features of Reverse Mortgage Loans
Housequestionthumb A reverse mortgage is special type of loan for senior homeowners that use a home's equity as collateral and you do not have to repay the loan as long as this home remains your principal residence. Because a...
Tags: MortgageHomeownerThriftyFinancial

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Selling Your Home: Find The Right Real Estate Agent
Homesm These five steps will help you find the best realtor to sell your home. Your house is likely your biggest and most important asset. So when it comes time to sell, you want the best real estate agent to help...
Directors, Officers and Conflicts of Interest
Conflictinterest1_th It is important for boards of directors to be aware that both real and apparent conflicts of interest or dualities of interest sometime occur in the course of conducting the business affairs of the...
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