During the summer last year I noticed alot of the 4 wheelers drive through the streets at all hours of the night, around 1am, 3am, and even late as 5am. Is there anything that can be done? Can we have patrolling police during these hours of kids using these 4 wheelers. They are loud and annoying! Thanks
4 wheeling
if thats all these teens are doing,leave them alone .its good clean fun. go catch one of the graffti artist and lock him up`~ then you will be helping our town
Agreed - Big problem
4 Wheelers are a huge problem on my street. They are dangerous to the kids on bikes, walkers, dogs and cars. The hours they drive them and the noise is illegal. There are noise level restrictions and curfew restrictions. If parents will not manage what the children are doing and help children to respect their neihgbors, call the cops. Information regarding this and who to call in NCC should be diseminated.
Keep in mind there are homes with young children and elders with health issues. They can be sleeping or very sick. Go to a 4 wheel park - stay off neigborhood streets.

- windlion
- Valued Neighbor
- Ashbourne Hills, Claymont, DE
- 3 Posts
Neighborhood watch could help
NCCPD needs more eyes out in the development to alert them when problems like this occur.
They have responded very well to community involvement on issues like this in the past, and Ian Smith says that getting the watch running again will be an early discussion point.
The November 14 meeting on Wednesday would be a good time to talk about options; I will be there if the commute from Philadelphia lets me get there in time, would be interested in at least talking with other folk interested in volunteering a few hours every week.
Biq challenge is finding someone with time to organize the watch and keep it going.