Parkway East Merchant's Association

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PEMA Welcome

The Parkway East Merchants Association (PEMA) is an organization comprised of business and property owners, entrepreneurs, merchants and neighbors, to provide a single effective voice for the Parkway East area of Birmingham. PEMA's goals are to promote an environment of communication, cooperation and support for local businesses.

PEMA is an organization where your input counts. We focus on issues that matter to you, like business development, local government, market trends and new technologies. Collectively, we are a strong voice in how business gets done in the eastern Birmingham area. Our programs include:


Parkway East Village 

.5 mile Demographics

Population 853

Households 363

Median Age 42.9

Race/Ethnicity - White 57.6%; Black 38.5%

Employment - Employed 91.1%; Unemployed 8.9%

Median Household Income $43,455

Average Household Income $51,288

Per capita Income $22,910

Median Disposable Income $35,338

Average Disposable Income $42,969

Average Consumer Spending $49,109

Average Consumer on Retail $17,609


1.5 mile Demographics


Population 12,894

Households 5,478

Median Age 41.7

Race/Ethnicity - White 45.4%; Black 50.4%

Employment - Employed 89.2%; Unemployed 10.8%

Median Household Income $44,617

Average Household Income $52,485

Per capita Income $22,151

Median Disposable Income $35,888

Average Disposable Income $43,173

Average Consumer Spending $50,286

Average Consumer on Retail $18,095


3 mile Demographics

Population 46,045

Households 18,421

Median Age 38.1

Race/Ethnicity - White 34.1%; Black 62.2%

Employment - Employed 88.5%; Unemployed 11.5%

Median Household Income $41,242

Average Household Income $49,070

Per capita Income $19,647

Median Disposable Income $33,131

Average Disposable Income $40,356

Average Consumer Spending $47,057

Average Consumer on Retail $16,929

© 2011 Esri

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Spectrum service

I have Spectrum cable for tv and over the past 4 or 5 months I've had issues where the screen freezes for a period of time or the picture and sound breaks up.  I plan to call Spectrum about this... more
Started: October 15th, 11:16 AMReplies: 0

Damage of the storms on wednesday night

Can anyone tell me about Pinson and the storm.....I have been out of town and no information from that area on the news and need to find if we had spin off tornados and no one is televising due to... more
Started: April 29th 2011Replies: 0

Damage of the storms on wednesday night

Started: April 29th 2011Replies: 0

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HUD Manufactured Home Fact Sheet
Mobil_th Description of Program The Manufactured Housing Program is a consumer protection program that regulates the construction of certain factory built housing units, called manufactured homes, formerly known ...
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