In spit of our name, the United States Fellowship of Florida, Inc. (USFF), is a local grassroots non-profit organization limited to the Keys. We have two housing programs for those disabled due to Mental Illness.
Peacock is supportive housing in Key West. Heron is an assited living facility. Both are under the name of United States Fellowship of FL. The name is misleading. Locals wanting to provide a home for their severely mentally disabled children founded us. A home with dignity, freedom and that would provide the necessary support. We have no affiliates or a part of any other organization. USFF is the only provider of permanent supportive housing for those disabled due to mental illness in Monroe County. We are not part of a larger government or other charitable organization. Most of our residents are long term members of the community. I can not begin to explain the wonder of giving independence with support to these disabled adults. Mental illness can happen to anyone. When it happens, it usually is catastrophic to the family. Parents end up devoting their whole life to their loved one. A mentally ill adult living at home with parents is difficult. What happens when one is no longer to care for their loved one?