Pearl District Neighborhood Association

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Welcome to Pearl District!

The PDNA Board is currently made up of a few architects, an urban planner, some Realtors, a retired pharmacist, a developer, a PR consultant, a retired endodontist, an economist, an actor, a headhunter, and that’s just a few.

The common thread is that we all either live, work or own property in the Pearl District, and we all care deeply about where our neighborhood is going.  

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McKenzie Lofts Lawsuit

I am considering buying a unit at the McKenzie Lofts. Does anyone know details about either the extent of the repairs needed on the roof, the state of the lawsuit, a schedule on the repairs?? Thanks!... more
Started: February 5th 2004Replies: 2

Real Estate Market

The good news is the housing market is improving!! Do you want to findout what the value of your home is?  send me a message or visit the site below to find out. more
Started: March 8th 2013Replies: 0

The cheapening of the Pearl

I live very close to Jameson Square, and while I love children and their excitement, enough is enough. The residents of the adjacent area can no longer enjoy the use of this park because of it's... more
Started: July 3rd 2009Replies: 0

Pearl District Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Streamline Refinance
Fha The FHA has had a program involving streamlined refinance options since early 1980s. The programs is designed for less documentation and a speedier approval process. What is the FHA Streamline Refinance...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Establishing A Contracting Policy For Your HOA
Contractsm Your HOA should have a policy in place for vendor contracts; find out what should be included. Your homeowners association (HOA) likely has a number of policies on everything from pets to parking. But do you...
Organization: The Key To Effective Management
Organize1_th Can you find that paper you're looking for with minimal effort, or does it take hours? Organization is key to minimizing the time it takes to perform any task. We all know that there are a...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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