Welcome to our new neighbors: Joel and Stephanie Gideon at 3 Fairway One,
Kelly Johnson at 309 Pebble Creek Drive, Austin and Jennifer Corbin at 8 Terrapin Trail and Daniel and Angie Lovelace at 306 Stallings Road.
We're glad you're part of our neighborhood.
Paris Elementary Spirit Night will be Tuesday, May 12 at ClubHouse Grille. Come out for dinner to support the Grille and our local elementary school. It's a great chance to meet and visit with your neighbors. This is a family friendly event.
Save the date:
We are planning a block party for PebbleCreek-1 on Saturday, August 22nd.
To volunteer to help put this on, please contact Donna May (244-6023 or may1609@bellsouth.net) or any board member.
Pebble Creek Women's Club is social club for women living in the Pebble Creek area.The Club meets on the 4th Sunday of the month. For more information contact Roxanne Cordonier roxannewalker@hotmail.com or call Robyn Gillis 915-5723.
I am Mary Reimer, the new treasurer, and you can reach me at pcp1treasurer@gmail.com or 292-2060. Sheila Manchester did a great job as the previous treasurer and had been very helpful during the transition.
Thank you to the many homeowners who paid their dues on time. Your dues help us to keep the lights on, literally, in Pebble Creek. The Home Owners’ Association is responsible for the street lights in our neighborhood. Six liens have been filed for unpaid 2014 dues. There are 18 homeowners who have not paid their 2015 dues. Those delinquent accounts will be turned over to a collection agency for recovery. A process for sending dues invoices and paying dues electronically is in process. This will reduce our paper and mailing cost.
Beginning this summer PCHOA-1 will assume overall responsibility for litter cleanup on Stallings Road as part of the Adopt-A-Highway program. We will have help from other HOA’s but there is always a need for more volunteers. Scheduled cleanup dates for 2105 are May 16, Aug 22, and Nov 14. If you are interested in this worthwhile community service, please contact Jay Gaskins at gaskin45@att.net