Hi Neighbors!
I've designed this page as a place to stay up to date on all happenings with our neighborhood watch. Cruise around and please post any concerns you may have so we can come together to solve these issues. As well please feel free to post any neighborhood happenings...BBQs, Fundraisers, School events, church events....anything you feel like sharing. As well, please post any crimes (thefts or vandelism etc) so we can try to rectify the situation (replace or paint over etc) Please also post if you are missing pets. More people looking=better odds of finding our friends. I will check frequently and relay all concerns to our help with the medford police and this will help make our meetings more effective. Thanks.
Your watch captain,
Randi Brock
P.S. Dont forget to "like" us on facebook at the very bottome of the page! Thanks