Phoenix Block Watch Advisory Board

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Next adv. board meeting

I'm confused by the address of the next meeting at the Great Bethel Church. Shouldn't it be East 40th St? Or is it actually on 40th Ave? Please advise. Thanks! By Kristin Mills more
Started: July 19th 2002Replies: 0


I've just been notified my precinct CAO that it is up to our neighborhood to plan our own GAIN event, THEN AND ONLY THEN would the department decide who in our area has the nicest Gain event, then... more
Started: August 16th 2001Replies: 0

Extreme Heat of 2023 kills Moon Mountain Saguaros

Started: February 2nd 2024Replies: 1

Phoenix Block Watch Advisory Board Real Estate and Home Values

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How Much Mortgage Can I Afford?
Houseforsale120 A home, whether suburban house, urban condo, or rural ranch, is the largest purchase most Americans will ever make. Now that the country is starting to recover from the booming and busting of the housing...
Tags: HomeownerHomebuyer

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Debt Relief: How to guide to get help
Debtreliefsm There’s no easy way to get out of debt, but following these six steps can help you better manage your money and find debt relief. Let’s face it, Americans love to spend. Unfortunately, we often...
Tags: DebtStaff PickAssociation
It's Never too Early to Cover Your Assets
Coverassets1_th What are Assets? -- Community associations are typically incorporated entities that often have physical plant assets such as roads, roofs, pools, sidewalks, gutters, siding, landscape, etc. that...
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