By: Ginny Jones, Secretary
Sunday April 02, 2006
The Community Association Spring Party on Sunday, March 26, 2006, at the Podickory Point Yacht Club was great fun!
We all were pleased to have the opportunity to greet the new owner of the Yacht Club, William McQuilliam. He is the Yacht Club owner since October 2005. Mr. McQuilliam answered a few pointed questions presented to him by community members in attendance. He has assured us at this time he had no plans or interest in liquor sales or restaurant development at the marina, nor is he considering putting in any gasoline fuel pumps. Additionally, the marina property is not currently zoned for those types of usage.
The Q&A session was followed by a short Community Association business meeting, and Officer's and Committee Reports.
The meeting was adjourned and the Spring Fling was officially opened. Everyone enjoyed a bounty of buffet foods and gathered their plates full to sit and relax for the next event. As an added feature to the afternoon's agenda, a small 15 minute slide presentation was given by Vinnie Goldsmith, a speaker with Chesapeake Bay Foundation (the "Save the Bay" bumper sticker organization, which Mr. Goldsmith clearly made mention of for purposes of recognition).
The party was attended by approximately 40 adults (12 guests) and several children.
Many Thanks to the members who brought it all together and everyone who brought a delicious contribution to the buffet (not to mention the white table cloths and floral centerpieces!): Kerry Wilson-Chairperson, - Angela Lemon, Gisela Grotheer, Dana Cate, Jean Hearne, Leisa Russell, Cathy Sanders.